Part of human nature is the desire to have some control, to make decisions and achieve the planned outcome. I also believe that another part of human nature is impatience. I don't know about you, but those are issues I struggle with every day. I am flexible and I don't have to be the boss, but as humans, I think the desire for a degree of control (of ourselves) and impatience is innate.
On my desk at work I used to have a framed quote on my desk. It said "God answers all prayers. Sometimes He says "yes". Sometimes He says "no". Sometimes he says "are you crazy?"
I will admit that some of the things I wanted to have control over in my lifetime have not gone the way I really wanted them to go. In the past my husband and I have had serious stress in our marriage. Neither of us either discussed divorce. However, if I had had an easy way out, I would have jumped ship somedays. I am sure I asked God for "less" of my real life. I wanted a break-- a degree of freedom that I had not had in years. I wanted to make choices for ME. I wanted to do what I wanted to do. Even if it was just temporary. When our children were little, I didn't want my life to revolve around working and the responsibilites of being a parent 24 hours a day. I have always loved my children but I was burned out to the point where if God had given me the option of an open door, I would have walked through it. I would have lost everything if I had. God did not give me an open door. He said "no". And really, I did not handle it very well. It took me many years to get over His answer. It has been a lesson in patience and trust. Now I am at a point in my life that His answer that seemed to hurt makes complete sense and was perfect.
Again, I am at a point in my life where I have less control than probably ever before. I have always been a very industrious person. I was raised to work hard and to "kick the wolf off the porch everyday" as my dad would say. Taking a break isn't something I have a done a lot of in my life. Letting myself put my feet up is not easy. I want my house to be clean and it isn't. I want to have energy at the end of the day and I don't.
My body is not following directions very well these days. It's hard for me to get up in the morning. My muscles hurt. Once I get going I seem to be okay for a few hours. By lunch time I start to feel the pain. I learned a new word today. "lancinate" To stab, pierce or lacerate. It is feeling I have from my neck to my feet at random times throughout the day. By 4:00 I could almost cry. If I can get in bed by 6:00 I am alright and I can start over tomorrow. That's not the life I would ask for if I could control things. In a way I am back where I was when our kids were little. My life is definitely being contolled by things bigger than me. My plan A has turned into His plan.
So instead of wanting to jump ship I am going to rely on what I have learned from previous experience. I am going to rely on God because even though I don't know if there is a light at the end of this tunnel, I know in time His plan makes perfect sense and is perfect. It's not easy, but I trust in it. I really do.
I know a song, Take My World... part of the lyrics go "I lay at Your feet these things I hold, it's easy to believe, but hard to let go. Be my center, guide my hand, I surrender all that I am."
I think they apply.
God bless.
Praying for you dear Friend! I love you!
It's in Plan B where I think we get the most growth. At times it hurts but growth isn't easy. Lara, God is growing you right now and you are allowing this growth to take place. I am sad to see you hurting and down but know in the end, God is growing you. That's exciting beyond belief. I will continue praying for you, Curtis and the kids. Love you!